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Suitable Cases

UltraClearAlign is clinically effective for mild to complex cases. Emphasizing our focus on innovation, we continue to expand our skills and work harder to provide practices with the best products capable of helping them achieve the best results for their patients.


1. Visit your dentist

As a dental lab, Gales 3D makes aligners based on a Dentists prescription. You’ll need an orthodontist or dentist to manage your treatment.

If your  dentist doesn’t offer UltraClearAlign , another dentist near you may so submit a enquiry form to be put in contact with one.


2. Have a consultation

If you’re a good candidate for clear aligners, your dentist will take photos and x-rays, use a scanner or impressions to capture the shape of your teeth, and submit your prescription to us.


3. Receive your custom aligners

We’ll make a series of aligners customized to apply pressure to the teeth that you want to move.

Your dentist will check your progress regularly and give you new sets of aligners. You’ll wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day, progressing through each step until your treatment is done.

Crowding (Mild, Moderate and Severe)

Crowding happens when there is a lack of room within your jaw for all of your teeth. Left untreated, this worsens over time and leads to severely crooked teeth, plaque accumulation, tooth decay and gum disease.


Gaps/Excessive Spacing

Gaps are the result of continued abnormal growth in the jawbone. This potentially causes surrounding teeth to shift due to the extra space created by the gap. Excessive gaps heighten periodontal disease risks.


Cross Bite

Cross bite occurs when the upper and lower jaws are misaligned. This causes upper teeth to bite downward on the inside of the lower teeth. This can happen on both front and sides of the mouth. Cross bites can wear out teeth, or cause gum disease and bone loss.


Open Bite

When some teeth are unable to make physical contact with opposing teeth, open bite happens. This is often a genetic jaw structure abnormality or can also be caused by excessive thumb-sucking. An open bite can cause poor mastication and even speech impediment. It can likewise lead to something more serious like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).


Over Bite

An over bite occurs when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth. Typically caused by genetics, bad oral habits, or over development of the bone supporting teeth, it can lead to gum irritation. Over bites can also wear out teeth and cause painful jaw and joint problems.


Under Bite

Under bites happen when lower teeth protrude past front teeth. Usually caused by missing upper teeth, upper jaw undergrowth or lower jaw overgrowth, under bites hinder the normal functioning of the front teeth and the molars. This can lead to tooth wear, painful jaw and joint problems.

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